What is scar camouflaging?
Scar camouflaging is the process of tattooing old, healed scars with a skin-toned pigment to help the scars blend into your skin.
Stretch marks that are a different color than your skin tone can also be camouflaged. If your concern with your stretch marks is the texture and not the color, we suggest starting with inkless stretch mark revision (ISR)
Read below to find out more about this amazing, transformative service.
Who is it for?
Camouflaging is for anyone who has scars that are lighter in color than their skin tone.
Types of scars we can treat:
-Surgical scars
-Stretch marks
-Self harm scars
-Tummy tucks
-Childhood accidents
-Breast lift/augmentation
-Other skin imperfections
The process
A camouflaging tattoo is where a permanent cosmetics artist tattoos the treated area with a color-matched pigment to blend the scar into your skin.
Camouflaging does not remove the scar, it just minimizes the appearance.
During your consultation we will discuss your expectations and examine your scar to determine if you are a good candidate.
Your scars or stretch marks must be at least one year old before we can treat them.
Your camouflaging appointment can last anywhere between 1-2 hours depending on the size of the treated area.
After care:
-Avoid tight clothing on treated area
-Apply provided moisturizer
-Keep area clean
-Avoid hot tubs, saunas, pools, and extensive exercise during the healing process
Total healing time: 2-3 weeks
Sessions needed: 1-3 depending on your scar and skin type.
-Must not be pregnant or breastfeeding
-Must be 18 or older
-Not recommended for clients prone to scarring or keloids
-Must not be on blood-thinners
-Clients prone to hyperpigmentation may want to start with a patch test
Frequently Asked Questions:
Q: What happens to the camouflaged scar when I tan?
A: Without camouflaging, your scars/stretchmarks do not tan, making them more visible when the rest of your skin tans. With camouflaging, your scars/stretchmarks are closer to your natural skin tone, making them slightly visible when tanned, but less visible than they would be without the camouflaging.
Q: How long does it last?
A: Scar camouflaging can last several years before needing a touchup. The pigment we use does tend to fade overtime, but you should never expect it to completely fade away as it is a form of tattooing. Limiting sun exposure will increase longevity.
Q: What's the difference between ISR (Inkless stretchmark revision) and camouflaging?
A: ISR is done with a custom serum that promotes healing and regeneration for stretchmarks with texture. It's best for scars or stretchmarks that are not discolored. Camouflaging is done with a color-matched pigment to improve color and visibility. Camouflaging does not change skin texture.